2023 November Newsletter
1. Holiday dinner party on December 14th 2. Yearbook has been mailed out 3. Memorial bench dedication for Odie McReynolds 4. Holiday party with Kiwanis club shared by Karen Wilson 5. financial professional members of WN 6. Book club news

2023 October Newsletter
Here is the October newsletter, including: 1. Changes about the October program 2. Information from Sidney Brammer 3. Book club news

2023 September Newsletter
Here is the September newsletter, including: 1. October program news (tentative) 2. News on Sidney Brammer 3. Book club news.

2023 August Newsletter
1. WN September program – Thursday the 21st at 6pm. Location: BPL, room C. An Insightful Review of “Little Women” and how it relates to feminism today given by Jackie Backer. Host: Joan Dreisker 2. WN book group will meet on Sunday August 27 at 2pm at Penny Eccleston’s house. We will be reading “Packing…

2023 May Newsletter
1. Photos from the Greenwood field trip 2. OLLI @ RSU class news 3. Book club news

2023 April Newsletter
Leila McReynolds Shultz, President of the Bartlesville Women’s Network, presented a check to Kathy Hixon, coordinator Bartlesville Public School librarians for elementary schools.

2023 March Newsletter
1. Announcement of the WN annual trip on April 20. RSVP deadline is April 4th. 2. Our Women’s History Month exhibit is on display at the lobby at Bartlesville Public Library. Please stop by and see it! 3. E-E report on history maker: https://www.examiner-enterprise.com/story/news/2023/03/09/deborah-langley-is-2023-history-maker-of-the-year/69980663007/ 4. Hope Behind Bars program with Mission of Poetic Justice on…

2023 February Newsletter
1. History Maker celebration – Deborah Langley – on March 23rd Thursday at 7pm at Osage room of Tri County Tech Center 2. Letter from the president on the February program 3. Letter from the board – a call for volunteers to fill the roles, and upcoming changes in roles 4. Book club – A…

2023 January Newsletter
1. February 16 program 2. Sunday cinema on 19th 3. Book club news 4. News on Barbara Tillman’s family and Karen King McKenney’s family 5. Writings from Jan Dreiling on the 50th year anniversary of Roe v. Wade and abortion issue.