1. WN September program – Thursday the 21st at 6pm.  Location: BPL, room C.  An Insightful Review of “Little Women” and how it relates to feminism today given by Jackie Backer.  Host: Joan Dreisker 2. WN book group will meet on Sunday August 27 at 2pm at Penny Eccleston’s house.  We will be reading “Packing…

1. WN September program – Thursday the 21st at 6pm.  Location: BPL, room C.  An Insightful Review of “Little Women” and how it relates to feminism today given by Jackie Backer.  Host: Joan Dreisker

2. WN book group will meet on Sunday August 27 at 2pm at Penny Eccleston’s house.  We will be reading “Packing for Mars” by Mary Roach.  All are welcome.

3. News about Leila McReynolds Shultz’s family

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