1. Information of health care 2. Book club news 3. Member update
1. Information of health care
2. Book club news
3. Member update
1. Information of health care 2. Book club news 3. Member update
1. Information of health care
2. Book club news
3. Member update
2020 February Newsletter 1. Suffrage celebration preperation 2. A call for volunteers to fille the positions of secretary, and program chairwoman (or chairwomen) 3. Upcoming skit rehearsal – expect a call from Joan or Jan 4. A message from the League of Women Voters
1. Information about Bartlesville Area History Museum Summer Lecture Series 2022 – “Celebrating 102 Years of Women Voting – Remembering Our Area Suffragists” by Jan Dreiling (WN member). Thursday August 18 at noon. 2. Book club upcoming meeting
1. Letter from the president – Women’s Network Annual Holiday Party on Dec 15 2. Update on the improving health of Linda Mathews, 2012-2013 President 3. Cinema Sunday news 4. Book club news
1. Announcement of the WN annual trip on April 20. RSVP deadline is April 4th. 2. Our Women’s History Month exhibit is on display at the lobby at Bartlesville Public Library. Please stop by and see it! 3. E-E report on history maker: https://www.examiner-enterprise.com/story/news/2023/03/09/deborah-langley-is-2023-history-maker-of-the-year/69980663007/ 4. Hope Behind Bars program with Mission of Poetic Justice on…
1. October program – State questions on the ballot in November 2. Book club news 3. Save the Date! – history maker celebration on March 23, 2023 4. Volunteer needed for hospitality committee 5. Member update – Sidney Brammer and gunsmoke
2017 December Newsletter