The WN Annual Field Trip will be to Greenwood Cultural Center in Tulsa. Date & time:  Thursday April 20.  Leaving Bartlesville at 10 am If we can get 20 people to commit to the trip, we will hire a bus. We would be asking each person riding to pitch in $15 for it. BWN would…

The WN Annual Field Trip will be to Greenwood Cultural Center in Tulsa.

Date & time:  Thursday April 20.  Leaving Bartlesville at 10 am

If we can get 20 people to commit to the trip, we will hire a bus. We would be asking each person riding to pitch in $15 for it. BWN would pick up the remainder of the cost. If we have fewer than 20, we will carpool as we have in the past. If you want to go, but aren’t sure you can climb the steps on a bus, let me know and we will try to accommodate.

The first stop will be at Sunday Dinner by Janet for an early lunch. We will then proceed to the Greenwood Cultural Center.  There is a 1 hr 20 minute video about Greenwood that was highly recommended. Then it takes about 1 hour to self tour the center itself.

There is no entry fee for the Cultural Center, but they ask for donations. BWN will provide the donation. Guests are welcome.

Please RSVP to Franny Hildabrand by Monday April 4th.  Email: contact@bvillewomensnetworkgmail-com. Please let me know how many guests you are bringing.

Franny Hildabrand

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